Episode 59 - Spiritual Formation - Wrestling - Stephanie Spencer

Stephanie Spencer is a question asker who never stops peering into the essence of things. She applies that to her work as an enneagram coach, an artist, and a scripture teacher with the nonprofit 40 Orchards.

Stephanie Spencer is a question asker who never stops peering into the essence of things. She applies that to her work as an enneagram coach, an artist, and a scripture teacher with the nonprofit 40 Orchards.

Stephanie Spencer

40 orchards

The Critical Journey

English Lessons

“I am not what I have.
I am not what I do.
I am not what others say about me.
I am God’s beloved.”
Jonathan Merritt quoting Henri Nouwen

“The first half of life is to recognize how deeply we are beloved. The task of the second half of life is to recognize that everyone else is too.”
Stephanie quoting Richard Rohr