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The Lemonade Boutique

The Lemonade Boutique is an online women's clothing with a cause store. Every item is made by women facing extreme challenges such as human trafficking, abuse, addiction, disabilities, and more. Your purchase helps these women take life's lemons and make lemonade. We partner with 13 artisan groups in 12 countries to bring a variety of well made clothes, jewelry, and accessories under one "roof" for a fun and easy shopping experience.




To make a difference in some of the world's most vulnerable communities, we partner with Artisan Businesses that share our passion for building a flourishing world. We develop these businesses through fair trade, empowering them to grow sustainably and to create dignified jobs for people who need them.




Vineworks is a socially responsible company that partners with artisans around the world giving them access to the US marketplace paying them a fair trade wage. We are committed to not only providing jobs at fair wages, but we are committed to give back 50% of the profit to the country where the product was produced. With that money we provide and support worthy causes such as, education, micro-loans, medical, feeding programs, and churches.



Through job creation in both Cambodia and in Nepal, 3Seams is striving to stay on the front end of human trafficking. By providing employment opportunities to at-risk individuals in both locations, our goal is to replace the feeling of desperation with feelings of HOPE and of JOY! Each of our pieces have been hand crafted by our amazing artisans. They take great pride in their work and we are so excited to see them grow as artists and as human beings. We can't wait for you to receive your order and hold their pieces in your hands.



trades of hope

So many women live in poverty, not because they lack abilities, but because they lack opportunity. We started Trades of Hope to give women that opportunity for a better life. Each woman has a story, and with Trades of Hope's help, their story has changed from pain and struggle to a story of hope! 


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A seasonal delivery of 6-8 hand-curated products for women. Every product has a story and makes the world a better place. Inside of CAUSEBOX you'll find the best jewelry, homewares, skincare products, accessories and more each season. And we tell you the stories behind each brand. many of the products are exclusive CAUSEBOX collaborations that you can't get anywhere else!




Most people want to make the world a better place, but simply don't know how. We understand that and have also seen the impact that can be made through purchases of shoes and accessories that make a better life for the artisans who make them by providing much needed jobs. This is about more than a pair of shoes or a bag. This is about changing the world for the better.





Empowering women around the globe to support themselves and their families with dignity by bringing their handmade goods to the world marketplace



Preemptive Love Coalition

Refugees shouldn’t be forced to rely on handouts to survive. They have the skills and knowledge they need to rebuild their lives and provide for their families. They just need someone to stand with them.

We create jobs for those victimized by ISIS. We provide small business grants, tools, and coaching so they can start again and so their families can flourish.
